Unlike Monstra, this is a festival that gathers several film categories such as live action, animation, documentaries, and so on...
I have an animated film called "Alda" in it. I made it along with three more colleagues, my animation gang. It was our final project for the Digital Animation degree. I had never done such a long animation (it has 12 minutes), and it cost us a mighty back pain in the final sprint, but it was worth it. We ended up with a great movie that I invite all of you to watch (if you're in Lisbon). Don't forget: April 30th, 7.00 PM, São Jorge Theatre.
It will be shown on the Brand New section, along with other films (ours is the only animated movie).
You can visit the movie page on the festival here: http://indielisboa.com/indie/en/movie/alda-2/
If you want to know more about the film, go to the facebook page and give Miss Alda a Like, please: https://www.facebook.com/aldafilm?ref=hl
And finally, here is the trailer for you to get an idea of what I'm talking about: